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FREE COMPUTER COURSE OFFERED BY EPPING LIBRARY. Essex County Council is offering local residents who wish to improve their computer skills an opportunity to take a class at Epping Library on Thursday 23 February 2012, from 2pm to 4pm. The course will cover the use of social media, finding information online, communicating by email as well as using the computer to become more involved with the community. For more information or to book a place call 01992 573504.
Andrew Turvey - The Plant Doctor. Sunday, 10 June 2012. In search of a Saturday morning activity, I discovered a craft business called The Make Lounge based in Highbury and Islington. There were only three spaces left on their hardback bookbinding workshop. I booked at 8am and started the course at 10. Our instructor Suzanne was great and took us through the steps which made the three and half hours fly by. Wednesday, 6 June 2012.
The ARA is a Registered Charitable Company, Limited by Guarantee, dedicated to supporting and fostering an interest in Roman Archaeology. Membership of the ARA is your Passport to Roman Britain! Membership to the A. Please see our membership page for more details on what the ARA can provide for its members. Signing up entitles you to a free membership pack.
Those who died in WW1. Stondon Massey War Memorial Tablet.
The official E17 Art Trail Blog. E17 Art Trail First Week. What an amazing first week of the E17 Art Trail. My only complaint is that it is going too fast- my fear of missing out has not abated. I feel as if I am cramming for an exam. I have realised that the best approach is to pick a few things and immerse yourself properly in them. I was so happy to see.
Due to the huge success of his restaurant, Andi Walker has been invited to take over the entire Riverside Restaurant in 2018. Eating out The Best Eateries in Essex. Lathcoats Farm Shop in Galleywood. The Sun Inn, Feering.
Extreme Wedding, Extreme Dreams, Extreme Life. Wednesday, September 5, 2012. Monday, August 6, 2012.
Da molti anni la ditta Mariolina Pesce realizza. E autorizzo il trattamento dei miei dati personali per le finalità ivi indicate.
Coppeen Archaeological Historical and Cultural Society. Our heritage discussed and showcased in and around the Coppeen area.
COPPE E TROFEI, TARGHE E MEDAGLIE. Coppe di prestigio e design. Gentinetta coppe è specializzata nella produzione e vendita di medaglie personalizzate, coppe e trofei, timbri e targhe, gagliardetti personalizzati, targhe commemorative, targhe per ufficio. Oggi, la ditta Gentinetta si propone anche su internet a tutto il mercato italiano e svizzero, spedendo coppe medaglie e altri articoli person.
Benvenuti all Hotel Coppe di Jesolo Lido. Il Golf a Jesolo 12 mesi all anno. Nostri graditi ospiti anche a Trieste. Il nuovo Hotel Coppe 4 stelle è situato vicino a piazza Milano nella zona più elegante di Jesolo Lido. Avvolto in un atmosfera di relax e divertimento, si affaccia sull isola pedonale più lunga d Europa e sulla spiaggia dorata di Jesolo Lido. Potrete trascorrere magici momenti, prima di essere.